All Products are available on GSA. Navigating the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath will be one of the biggest business challenges of our time. People will always need physical space and they always want to meet face to face. Workplace hygiene is not a trend but as grown roots to stay as a top priority in creating safe and healthy spaces.
About Allé.
Allé Designs was created over 40 years ago with the concept to offer simple, beautiful, and functional ancillary products for commercial office spaces. Our full range of products, that are used and enjoyed every day, have one commonality – a lasting aesthetic that transcends short-lived trends.

Workspace hygiene.
Our Workplace Hygiene Collection helps designers, dealers and companies take new measures to minimize the number of hand contact surfaces. Our products include simple ways to create a 6 foot distant work flow, creates an ease of accessibility to sanitizing wipes and hand sanitizer stations and our simple plexiglass dividers help reduce the airborne transmission.